Export time tracking

You can export the time tracking of your employees for any desired time period. Here, you can choose whether you want the time tracking of one individual employee or all employees at one location.


Export time tracking of individual employees at one location

How it works:

Click on the employee symbol on the left-hand side in the menu bar → now click on the name of the employee whose time tracking you want to export → tab "Time tracking" → select the time period for which you want to export the tracked times

Then click on "Display".

All tracked times of the employee in the specified time period are now called up.
Click on the export button to export the tracked times.

You can choose between a CSV file or an Excel when exporting.

Export time tracking of all employees at one location

How it works:

Click on the clock symbol on the left-hand side in the menu bar → click on the export symbol in the top right-hand corner

Select the export type with which you want to export the tracked times. The tick may still have to be placed next to "Export all selected tracked times (not only the displayed ones)".
The entire time period which was selected is now exported.