If the employee has already been invited to Papershift and now does not have access anymore, you can do the following to grant the employee access again:
If there is still a gray /blue arrow on the far right in the row with the employee name, then click on it. The employee will now receive a mail. The employee must click on the link in the mail and specify his password.
If there is still a gray /blue arrow on the far right in the row with the employee name, then click on it. The employee will now receive a mail. The employee must click on the link in the mail and specify his password.
If there is no arrow, the employee has already logged in and specified a password before.
In this case, go to the employee profile and check which email address has been stored, then copy it. Now simply log out and go to https://app.papershift.com/signin?lang=en . Click on forgot password and enter the email address.
The employee will now receive a mail to specify the password again. He can login again after clicking on the link in the mail. Of course, the employee can also trigger the assignment of a new password himself.