If absence requests are to be confirmed or an absence is to be recorded, you can do this within the employee profile under "Absences".

The absences are sorted according to date. If vacation days are deducted from the annual entitlement, this is mentioned in the vacation column.
The status shows whether an absence is confirmed (green), denied (red) or still pending (orange).
The gray button with the round arrow cancels a denied or confirmed absence and sets it to still pending.
The green button with the tick immediately confirms the absence with the data that are displayed in the overview.
The red button with the X immediately denies the absence.
The absence can be edited via the blue button with the gear icon:

The absence type can be changed on the top left-hand side. In this example, click on vacation and select the absence type.
If you want to change the time period, then click in the field next to "Begins on" and a calendar will open; select the correct date there. The same for "Ends on".
If the absence is not for the entire day, then remove the tick and specify the time.
If other values are to be calculated, place the tick next to "Enforce calculation of manually entered values", and customize the values in the fields.
To accept the system suggestion, click on the ticks so that they become green. The system takes on the values and overwrites the previous ones. This suggestion is based on the absence settings in the location settings.
NOTE: An absence can also be saved completely new if was already confirmed. You can thereby initiate the calculation again.
Then click on save in the next step.
It is now checked whether another absence falls within this time period. If so, the following message will appear:

You can now click OK, the current absence will still be saved. Otherwise, click on cancel and change the absence or terminate the assignment of the absence.
IMPORTANT: Only one absence/employee can be taken into account per day.
What is important for vacation is the annual entitlement, which can be stored in the vacation tab of the employee profile. If none is stored, or if the entitlement is not sufficient, this message will come up:

There is a link behind the green line "Manage holiday entitlement of this employee". Click on the link to directly go to the vacation tab and record an annual entitlement.
If, for example, the employee has already used up the entitlement, the absence can be denied. Just click on cancel to do so.
If you want to approve the absence, then click on confirm.
You can leave a message on the top right-hand side in the notice field. You can also upload an attachment. If you click on save, the message is saved here.
You can see a history there of when the absence was created and whether the status was changed.
NOTE: If you have the system messages activated (included in the pro package), you also see which shifts the employee was removed from in the past.
In the employee profile, the absence types can be individually assigned to the employee or deselected. Click on the small pen & paper at the bottom by absence types → now click on selection → place or remove the tick → save.
ATTENTION: The employee receives a mail as soon as the absence has been edited, e.g., when the date or absence type is changed. The same applies when the absence status changes from pending to confirmed.
If the employee should not get messages about the changes, you can change this is their profile under Notifications.